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Chiropractic & N.I.S.

Nutritional Therapy & Coaching

Smart Body Sculpting

Sound Healing

I believe everyone has the ability to heal their own bodies and that no one should have to live in constant pain and dysfunction.

When your body is in a state of calm it can heal, but in today’s world a lot of us live in a constant state of stress, which can then cause your body to no longer function properly.

Symptoms are your bodies way of signaling you that something’s wrong. The more you ignore or try to suppress these symptoms the longer you’ll be imbalanced and you’ll continue living a life in constant pain or dysfunction.

If you want to feel different in your body, then you’ll need to change how you operate. In order to experience changes you need to know where you are stuck and what specific steps YOU need to move forward. ‍ That’s where I come in - I know how to help you remove the barriers that are keeping you the same. I can say with confidence you’ll regain hope and begin feeling like a new you. I’ll be your coach guiding you toward creating a sustainable life of health and wellness. You’ll never be the same again.

I believe everyone has the ability to heal their own bodies and that no one should have to live i... Read More

I have spent the last ten years continually searching and adding to my arsenal of techniques to help my patients. What I have found, astonished even me. There are ways of working with the body to help it find problems hidden deep within the body and specific protocols to help the body heal faster.

Growing up my family had a narrow understanding of how the body works. Because of this I was a fairly sickly child. It was normal for me to have stomach pain, diarrhea, headaches, allergies, and asthma. To treat this my mother made sure I always had a Ziploc bag in my backpack of Tylenol/Advil, Pepto-Bismol, Imodium AD, and an Asthma Inhaler. I would take at least one of these pills everyday if not more. They never fixed the problem and I never felt complete relief. This started when I was in Kindergarten and continued until I was in Chiropractic School.

I attended Life Chiropractic College West in the fall of 2003 and it literally changed my life. I new I wanted to help people, but I had not realized how much I would learn how to help myself. I learned the difference between “managing” a problem and finding and treating the “cause” of a problem. I soon realized that there is a true cause to every problem, pain, and disease in the body. I also realized that the current treatments that are standard operating procedure in mainstream healthcare are not focused on finding the cause of chronic issues, but more focused on managing the issue over the course of years and years with the use of medications. I learned that all the years I took pills for Diarrhea, headaches, stomach pain and asthma I was “managing” the symptoms, but in reality all I was doing was degrading my health. For example when I would take Imodium AD it would reduce my diarrhea, but it would cause constipation and horrible stomach cramps that would double me over. I remember crying on the toilet wondering why God was punishing me. By the time I was 13 years old I was so depressed my parents took me to see a counselor to help me mentally cope with the pain. It was common for me to tell my mother I had a headache and she would say “if you didn’t already take Tylenol or Advil then stop complaining”. She was not trying to be mean, but this was what she had been taught by mainstream medicine to do when you have a headache.

In Chiropractic school one of the first things we learn is that the body is a self-regulating system that is controlled by the brain and the nervous system. Given the proper nutrition, a toxic-free environment, and proper communication from the brain your should create and maintain the highest level of health. When a symptom like headaches occurs, my first thought is not “what pill can I take to make it go away”, but rather what could be causing the headache in the first place, and what can I do to fix the cause so it does not keep coming back. I have a deep feeling of responsibility to help as many people in my community learn about how their bodies work and what “true health” really is.

I know I make this sound simple but it’s not, and it’s not always easy. Many of my patients find me after seeing many doctors who can’t seem to “diagnose” their condition and have told them they will either have to live with the pain or it is all in their head. If you have felt like no one listens to you or they don’t seem to understand what is going on with you then I implore you to call me for a free phone consultation. If I can’t help you I will tell you where I would go next to find answers.

I have spent the last ten years continually searching and adding to my arsenal of techniques to h... Read More

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